Behind the Scenes: Summer 2023
As we finish up an extremely dry summer, we're so thankful for the way we steward our land and raise our animals. Here's a peek behind the scenes of Summer 2023.
As we finish up an extremely dry summer, we're so thankful for the way we steward our land and raise our animals. Here's a peek behind the scenes of Summer 2023.
Have you ever walked the land where your food is raised?
As the cold months wrap up, we start transitioning over to many moving pieces all around our farm - chickens, turkeys, cows, and pigs...and lots of them!
It dawned on us as we traveled recently—most kitchens don't have a sharp knife!! So we're sharing our absolute favorite kitchen knife, available now in the Online Store.
We've been looking for ways to simplify our on-farm shipping operations AND improve your experience as a shipping customer. Here's what we came up with...and why we're making each change.