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Expedition: Health

Learn, eat, be well

Like many adventures, this journey begins with a question:

"What am I supposed to eat?"

We hear it all the time:

On the farm, on email, on the phone and at our drop sites, you tell us about your health journeys.

You come to us following an unexpected diagnosis.

You come because your doctor or nutritionist recommended a new diet—AIP, Paleo, Whole 30, Keto, Weston A. Price.

You come because you've felt unwell for some time, even though labs and tests keep coming back "normal."

You come managing a chronic illness.

Or you come in good health, and you want to stay that way!

The people who talk to us are looking for information, resources, and support.

And, they are looking for real food!

They ask, "Do you have what I need?"

If this sounds familiar to you, we’re so glad you’re here.

That food you're looking for? We've got it.

Your questions about how to find and eat real food?

We've got answers. 

One Simple Thing

The special diets out there stem from one simple principle:

Food impacts health.

We agree.

And you don't have to take our word for it...

Three decades of research prove grass-fed beef and pasture-raised meat are significantly healthier than grain-fed, factory-farmed meat.
—Mark Hyman, M.D., physician and author —Mark Hyman, M.D., physician and author

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Cows in J&L pasture, July 2021
The global shift away from [...] rich wholesome foods to highly processed diets enabled 2.1 billion people to become overweight or obese and increased the incidence of type II diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
—Frontiers in Nutrition, peer-reviewed scientific journal —Frontiers in Nutrition, peer-reviewed scientific journal
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The food we eat gives our bodies the 'information' and materials they need to function properly. If we don't get the right information, our metabolic processes suffer and our health declines.
—The University of Minnesota’s "Food as Medicine" series —The University of Minnesota’s "Food as Medicine" series
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What makes us different?

You know the types of meat, poultry, and eggs that doctors and nutritionists (and books and articles and podcasts and documentaries...) are urging you to eat? The ones with the strange names like pastured, forested, and grass-fed?

Those names aren't strange to us!

They're the reason we get out of bed every morning. They're the reason we do what we do. And they're the reason we're so transparent about every aspect of our farm’s operations.

Research, thought, and intention guide every decision we make.

Food produced on our farm:

> Has the nutritional profile nature intended

> Contains high levels of beneficial fats, vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients

> Tastes incredible!

> Protects the health of people, animals, and the planet

To learn how and why we do what we do, visit the About Our Farm tab in the main menu, or click the links below:

Brave New You

When you commit to changing your family's diet, it can sometimes feel like you've been transported to a foreign country.

You're shopping differently.

You're eating differently.

You're learning new words.

You're taking in new information.

Sometimes it feels like you need to make a million changes all at once.

And at the bottom of it all sits an important question:

“What in the world are we going to eat?”

A few tips from those who've made the switch:

ONE | Seek good information

> Books, websites, podcasts, and documentaries are a great place to start

TWO | Find community

> Talk to friends and family who have made similar changes

> Follow/join online groups that support & encourage your unique journey

THREE | One step at a time

> Choose one small thing to change

> Give it time

> Choose another

FOUR | Simplify 

> Look for farms that offer easy online ordering, convenient drop-site order pickup, and reliable, no-hassle shipping

> Plan one or two new meals to try—then, when you're ready, try one or two more

> Begin collecting tasty recipes that fit your new diet (many families find it helpful to start a separate recipe book or binder)

FIVE | Stay open to the adventure

> Do you realize there’s a chance you haven’t yet tasted your favorite food??

SIX | Have faith

> You've got this!

Welcome Home

Whether your health journey is calling you to:

  • address a diagnosed health condition
  • support your body as you investigate symptoms
  • manage a chronic condition 
  • invest in the good health you enjoy now, or
  • learn, grow, and hang out with some cool, thoughtful humans & animals

…there's space for you at our table!

Pull up a chair, ask questions, eat amazing food, and find community.

Our doors are always open.

“I have spent my fair share of time on and around many farms, and I can tell you that J&L Green Farm and its livestock are light-years ahead.

The food that comes from their farm is the kind of food I want to put in my body. If health is what we want, it only makes sense to eat meat from the very healthiest of animals, and that is what J&L Green Farm provides. I feel very privileged to be a customer.”
—Ron Tiemens, Warrenton, VA
Customer since 2020

Common Sense Medical Disclaimer:

We value your health! The information on our site is thoughtfully shared, but it is for informational purposes only. No material on our site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your doctor before making any health-related changes. Be well! J&L